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Sunflower 馃尰

A member registered 40 days ago

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This was such a lovely storyline. I liked the dialogue and visuals which really built a picture of the characters, this made the game unique in my opinion. The only 'bug' I found was that when I went to replay the game my 'instructions' manual was already crossed off but I could still visit the different homes. It looks like the instructions didn't reset? thank you! 

This is so intriguing. I love the visuals and story. It's great that we want to discover the art, and then we find out what the plotline is. It might be just me but I could only find 6 jpegs. It's a testament to the game that I spent a while extra trying to find the next jpeg. Also, on the musical notes section (which is a lovely mini-game) I found that unless I was on the side of the cage I couldn't select the eye. Hope that makes sense. Great job.

Hello, thank you for creating a lovely, wonderous and peaceuful game. The visuals are stunning. I like the way we fall upon new areas to discover. Is the aim of the game to recreate the painting?