Kuhariri 276 KK
Pitio kulingana na tarehe 19:26, 15 Agosti 2010 na Thijs!bot (majadiliano | michango) (roboti Nyongeza: ast, be, bs, cs, cy, da, el, eo, et, eu, fa, fi, gl, hr, hu, hy, id, io, it, ka, ko, la, lb, lt, mk, mr, ms, nap, new, nl, no, oc, pl, pt, qu, ro, ru, sh, sk, sl, sq, sr, su, sv, th, tr, uk, uz, vec, zh)
ANGALIA: Unakuwa unahariri nakala ya zamani ya ukurasa huu.
Ukiendelea kuihariri, mabadilisho yote yaliyofanywa tangu pale yatapotezwa.
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