A Toronto Based Web Developer, armed with a Mechanical Engineering Degree. What are we building next?
View ProjectsHi, I'm John Malapit. I am a full-stack web developer based out of Toronto, Canada. Ever since I was young, I always had a passion for building things and understanding how things work. Armed with a Mechanical Engineering Degree, I aim to apply my previous experiences as Mechanical Engineer towards my work as a web developer.
A job board app with authentication and bookmark features allows users to create an account, save job listings to their bookmarks, and manage their application history.
React | JavaScript | HTML | Tailwind CSS | Firebase | Firebase Auth
The most average places at your fingertips. This app was built using MapQuest's API and Leaflet's mapping library.
React | JavaScript | HTML | SASS | API | Team Project
This app gives board game fans a place to digitally store their collection and wishlist as well as suggest new games to play! Built with React and Board Game Atlas API.
React | JavaScript | HTML | SASS | API
Have you ever wondered what was on the news on the day you were born? This app was built using New York Times and Unsplash API.
HTML | CSS | SASS | JavaScript | API | Pair Programming
Meet Willow. This is a pixel-perfect multi-page PSD conversion, fully responsive across all devices.
HTML | CSS | SASS | JavaScript
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