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Scalable real-time messaging server. Set up once and forever.
Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Centrifugo is a self-hosted service which handles connections over various transports and provides a simple publishing API. Centrifugo nicely integrates with any application — no changes in the existing app architecture required to introduce real-time updates.

Great Performance

Great Performance

Centrifugo is written in Go language and includes some smart optimizations. See the description of the test stand with one million WebSocket connections and 30 million delivered messages per minute on hardware comparable to a single modern server.



Centrifugo provides flexible auth, various types of subscriptions, channel history, online presence, delta updates, the ability to proxy connection events to the backend, and much more. It comes with official SDK libraries for both web and mobile development.

Out-of-the-box Scalability

Out-of-the-box Scalability

Scale connections over many Centrifugo nodes by using built-in integrations with efficient brokers: Redis (or Redis Cluster, or Redis-compatible storages like AWS Elasticache, DragonflyDB, Valkey, KeyDB, with client-side sharding support), and Nats.

Proven in Production

Proven in Production

Started a decade ago, Centrifugo (and Centrifuge library for Go it's built on top of) is mature, battle-tested software that has been successfully used in production by many companies around the world: VK, Badoo, ManyChat, OpenWeb, Grafana, and others.

Centrifugo PRO

Centrifugo PRO

Centrifugo PRO offers great benefits for corporate and enterprise environments by providing unique features on top of the OSS version: analytics with ClickHouse, real-time tracing, performance optimizations, push notification API, SSO integrations for web UI, etc.

What is real-time messaging?

Real-time messaging is used to create interactive applications where events are delivered to online users with minimal delay.

Chats apps, live comments, multiplayer games, real-time data visualizations, collaborative tools, AI streaming responses, etc. can all be built on top of a real-time messaging system.

Centrifugo is a user facing PUB/SUB server that handles persistent connections over various real-time transports — WebSocket, HTTP-streaming, SSE (Server-Sent Events), WebTransport, GRPC.

Looking for a cool demo?

Here is the real-time telemetry streamed from the Assetto Corsa racing simulator to the Grafana dashboard with a help of our WebSocket technologies.

This demonstrates that you can stream 60Hz data towards client connections and thus provide instant visual feedback on the state of the system.

Slack-scale messenger?

Straightforward with Centrifugo! Even though your backend does not support concurrency. See the tutorial where we build a beautiful messenger app and go beyond usually shown basics.

Centrifugo is a versatile real-time component – it can be used to build various types of real-time applications, not just messengers.

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Are you Enterprise?

Centrifugal Labs offers a PRO version of Centrifugo that includes a set of unique features, additional APIs, and enhanced performance. Ever dreamed about a self-hosted real-time messaging system combined with a push notification system? Want to benefit from analytics of real-time connections and subscriptions? Centrifugo PRO makes this possible. And much more actually.