Which brings us to Riftsaw, JBoss's new open source BPEL 2.0 engine. Riftsaw integrates with JBoss ESB and is optimized for use with the JBoss AS server. Even though it's a new project, it's easy to get going in only a few minutes. The entire set up process is documented in the Getting Started Guide, but if you're impatient, here are the steps. You can install and deploy everything you need in about 5 minutes, Assuming you don't have too slow a network connection. ;-)
You need (3) packages:
- A JBoss application server to host Riftsaw,
- A JBoss ESB server to support accessing services over the ESB,
- and Riftsaw itself
Step 1 - Install JBoss AS 5
On thing to keep in mind here is that you'll have to use Java 1.6 and install the for JDK 1.6 version of JBoss AS
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jboss/files/JBoss/JBoss-5.1.0.GA/jboss-5.1.0.GA-jdk6.zip/Step 2 - Install/deploy JBoss ESB 4.6 to AS
unzip jboss-5.1.0.GA-jdk6.zip
Download: http://www.jboss.org/downloading/?projectId=jbossesb&url=/jbossesb/downloads/4.6/binary/jbossesb-4.6.zipStep 3 - Build/Install/Deploy Riftsaw to AS
unzip jbossesb-4.6.zip
cd /opt/local/jbossesb-4.6/install
cp deployment.properties-example deployment.properties
edit deployment.properties-example (set "org.jboss.esb.server.home=/opt/local/jboss-5.1.0.GA")
ant deploy
cd /opt/localNote: An alternative to building Riftsaw from the trunk source would be to download the latest stable build from: http://www.jboss.org/riftsaw/downloads.html
mkdir riftsaw ; cd riftsaw
svn checkout http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/riftsaw/trunk/
mvn clean install -P docs
cp distribution/target/riftsaw-2.0-SNAPSHOT.zip /opt/local
cd /opt/local
unzip riftsaw-2.0-SNAPSHOT.zip
cd /opt/local/riftsaw-2.0-SNAPSHOT/install
edit deployment.properties (set "org.jboss.esb.server.home=/opt/local/jboss-5.1.0.GA" and "org.jboss.esb.home=/opt/local/jbossesb-4.6")
ant deploy
Step 4 - Start up the AS server
cd /opt/local/jboss-5.1.0.GA/binStep 5 - Run a quickstart
sh ./run.sh
This BPEL quickstart sends a message, modifies it, and sends back the modified version.
cd /opt/local/riftsaw-2.0-SNAPSHOT/samples/quickstart/hello_worldOK. It's not really 5 steps, to run the quickstarts that use the ESB, there's one more step:
ant deploy
ant sendhello
View the process here:
Step 6 - Run an ESB quickstart
First, deploy Riftsaw ESB samples to the ESB directory.
cd /opt/local/riftsaw-2.0-SNAPSHOT/installThen, run a quickstart:
ant deploy-esb-examples
cd /opt/local/jbossesb-4.6/samples/quickstarts/confWell - my 5 minutes are up. What's next? I want to try all the examples, read the documentation and spend a lot more than 5 minutes working with Riftsaw. I also want to examine Riftsaw-ESB integration in greater detail in a subsequent blog post. It's described in the User Guide... ;-)
cp quickstarts.properties-example quickstarts.properties
edit quickstarts.properties (set org.jboss.esb.server.home=/opt/local/jboss-5.1.0.GA)
cd /opt/local/jbossesb-4.6/samples/quickstarts/bpel_helloworld
ant deploy
ant sendesb (to demonstrate an ESB action invoking a BPEL process)