Partners are unable to publish drivers where Server 2022. and Windows 11 install sections in INFs
Published Jan 26 2022 11:32 AM 5,406 Views

UPDATE: 1/31/2022 2:48PM Pacific

This is now fixed in production. Please note that you will need to resubmit any impacted submissions for signing again before the correct options will appear during publishing.



HDC team has recently become aware of a bug impacting driver submissions targeting Windows Server 2022, and Windows 11. If your INF specifically targets either of these releases build numbers. You will see an empty PNP grid, or missing entries during shipping label creation. We are working on a fix. ETA is early next week. A follow up post declaring the fix has gone live in production will be made. 


Note that once the fix has gone out to production any drivers impacted will need to be resigned by HDC before publishing will work correctly.

Version history
Last update:
‎Jan 31 2022 02:50 PM
Updated by: