We are offering our Startup Plan containing 10GB of encoding credit, worth $49/month, for free, to students who have joined the GitHub Student Developer Pack.
Transloadit is a file encoding and processing service for developers. Here’s how Transloadit can help you:
Power your app with any media transformation. Resize, transcode, optimize and watermark photos, (de)compress archives, detect faces, generate audio waveform images, make screenshots of URLs and HTML files, scan for viruses — in short, we’ve built a Swiss Army knife for your files.
Import and export resulting files to and from S3, Google Storage, Dropbox, (S)FTP or HTTP. Yes, you can even let us export to your Raspberry Pi. Files are just passing through, you remain in control of your own content.
Uppy.io is the leading open source file uploader. Transloadit integrates seamlessly with this website plugin that lets your visitors import files from Instagram, Google Drive, Dropbox and remote URLs.
Create workflows that cater to your unique use case. Combine our versatile Robots using a declarative JSON language and you will be up and running in a matter of minutes:
{ ":original": { "robot": "/upload/handle" }, "resized": { "use": ":original", "robot": "/image/resize", "result": true, "width": 500, "height": 500, "resize_strategy": "fit", }, "sepiad90": { "use": "resized", "robot": "/image/resize", "result": true, "sepia": 90, }, "exported": { "use": [ "resized", "sepiad90", ":original" ], "robot": "/s3/store", "credentials": "demo_s3_credentials" } }
We are available through the blue speech bubble in the bottom-right corner of the screen and via email at support@transloadit.com. Please include your account's email address when contacting us.
We are offering students a free Startup Plan, which includes 10GB of encoding credit per month. Should you reach this limit, the service will be discontinued. We will notify you well before this happens, so you can choose whether or not to upgrade to a paid (discounted) plan. No credit card is required.