
All users have an user rank. This rank reflects the activity within the community. More collected activity points earn higher user ranks which will introduce additional benefits.

Ranking System

The available ranks and benefits are:

0 PointsPassive 
1-49 PointsNovicelisted as active user
50-99 PointsAdvanced 
100-199 PointsCompetent+20 free API credits (planned)
200-499 PointsProficient 
500-999 PointsExpert+50 free API credits (planned)
1000-1999 PointsSenior Expert 
2000-4999 PointsMaster 
5000-9999 PointsSenior Master 
10000-19999 PointsGrand Master 
20000-49999 PointsGuru 
50000+ PointsSuperguru 

更新済み: 2024年09月15日 キーワード: VulDB Documentation Team

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