Driving Employee Engagement and Adoption

Ensure your employees fully harness your digital workplace technology investments to increase knowledge sharing, accelerate innovation cycles, and drive higher productivity.

Empower Employees

Empower Employees to Embrace Digital Transformation

Many organizations invest in digital platforms like Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Viva Engage, only to see low adoption and usage. This wastes resources and misses out on the benefits of digital workplace transformation.

With AvePoint, get the visibility you need to understand engagement across digital platforms. By monitoring usage trends, tracking sentiment, and identifying influencers, leaders can gain insights to refine their digital strategy.

Turn Insights into Impact

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Foster Transparency

Enable leadership to better understand employee needs, respond to feedback, and address concerns.

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Build Community

Uncover opportunities to boost participation, recognize contributors, and identify areas of improvement.

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Drive Adoption

Gain a clear view of your digital landscape to drive strategies that boost engagement, adoption and impact.

Gain Visibility

Gain Visibility into Employee Participation Across Digital Platforms

Microsoft 365, specifically Teams and SharePoint, provides spaces for employees to engage in discussions, share feedback, and connect with leadership. However, the true potential – and goal – of these tools is to drive greater participation throughout the organization.

With robust analytics capabilities, tyGraph gives leaders visibility into digital participation. By monitoring usage trends and tracking sentiment, executives can identify opportunities to drive strategic initiatives that resonate with employees.

Improve Employee Engagement

See which communications are read most so you can optimize content to match audience interests. Gain visibility into Teams activity to understand employee connections.

Create a Culture of Openness

Listen to employee sentiment across digital channels to address concerns and foster transparency. Quickly respond to hot topics and feedback.

Make Data Driven Decisions

Discover participation gaps and promote collaboration best practices. Use insights to refine your digital strategy and create initiatives that drive engagement.

Building Community

Building Community Through Participation

Your people are at the heart of your digital workplace. Delivering a seamless, enhanced experience for them requires powerful insights to make the right decisions for your company. But how can you access these insights in today’s rapidly evolving workplace?

With tyGraph, measure internal discussions around your initiatives – where they’re happening, who’s participating, and how it’s impacting your organization. Support your employee experience with insights to optimize employee communications and leverage the value of your network.

Get a Pulse on Viva Engage

Gather Viva Engage adoption, engagement signals from posts and cross-functional collaboration analytics in the context of your organization.

Discover Top Communities

Uncover employee engagement across your communities of practice and assess the health of your network to improve its value.

Transform Communication

Understand employee sentiment and deliver relevant content that resonates with your audience and drives engagement.

Gain a Complete View

Gain a Complete View into Microsoft 365 Adoption

Business leaders are charged with reigning in excess spending and streamlining operations. For technology heads, this entails making the most of current tech assets, finding efficiencies, and reducing waste.

Grasp your firm's long-haul Microsoft 365 returns through tyGraph's award-winning analytics for Teams, Viva Engage, SharePoint, Email, and OneDrive. User-friendly dashboards let you combine reporting and seamlessly relay licensing, adoption, and usage insights across your organization.

Long Term View

Transformations within a company can take weeks or months to materialize, not 90 days. Track active and engaged users over 1-2 years.

Examine Trending Content

Gain organization-wide perspectives of your connected SharePoint sites, storage, adoption, audiences, and most viewed content.

Access Targeted Insights

Grasp how particular business units are performing by segmenting adoption data by elements like role, location, hierarchy, license type, and Microsoft 365 groups.

Bridge the Gap Between Enablement and Engagement

Takeda logos

The insights we gleaned from tyGraph helped us identify what was needed and what was not. By getting rid of redundant, outdated data and focusing our time and energy on recreating and designing used and relevant content, we were able to create a far better user experience in the new tenant.

Dave Feldman

Head of Digital Workplace Delivery, Takeda

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