How Bristlemouth Works


An extremely robust and simple 2-conductor connector interface works anywhere in the ocean, and is capable of delivering 100s of Watts to loads and 100s of megabits of network bandwidth.


Automatic power distribution, dynamic network formation & routing, and a modern peer-to-peer messaging framework.


Leveraging the latest advances in embedded processing and networking, every Bristlemouth node runs the entire IPv6 network stack providing consistent and powerful protocol interfaces.

Plug & Play Sensing

Automatic power distribution, dynamic network formation & routing, and a modern peer-to-peer messaging framework.






Power Supply


Powerline Communications

The simplest way to distribute power and data is over 2 conductors, and we use the latest Powerline Communications technologies designed for automotive and industrial applications to deliver hundreds of watts to a load while transmitting data extremely efficiently consuming 5mW/mBit at up to 1km distances.


“Internet Protocol” is the most widely used networking layer in the world—from robots, to factories, to the cloud. The Bristlemouth IPV6-based networking layer operates on the latest low power industrial grade ARM micro processors while providing powerful modern protocol features.


Push firmware updates over the air down to any module, allowing for more time in the water and less time and costs recovering systems to update them.

Discovery & Routing

Newly installed modules are automatically identified and accessible to the network, resulting in a satisfying plug and play experience. Modules automatically and efficiently route data and power anywhere it needs to go in the network.


High level publish-subscribe and request-reply peer-to-peer messaging interfaces provide flexible tools for developers to build complex applications quickly without being mired in configuration and setup.

Key Tech Specs

Depth Rating:

300m to Full Ocean Depth* open-face depth rating.

Power Distribution:

10W to 300W* of power delivered to loads.

Data Bandwidth:

10 Mb/s to 100+ Mb/s* of data bandwidth.

Getting Started with Bristlemouth

Ready to explore what Bristlemouth can help make possible?

Check out the DevKit

Bristlemouth Pioneer Program

A call for ocean researchers and developers to accelerate ocean sensing and exploration with Bristlemouth. The Pioneer program will provide equipment, support, and resources to create innovative marine applications and new technology.

Request an invite