Seduti ta’ smigħ

Kumitat jista' jorganizza seduta ta' smigħ ma' esperti fejn dan jitqies essenzjali għall-ħidma tiegħu fuq suġġett partikolari. Is-seduti ta' smigħ jistgħu jsiru wkoll b'mod konġunt minn żewġ kumitati jew aktar. Il-parti l-kbira tal-kumitati jorganizzaw seduti ta' smigħ regolari, billi dawn jippermettulhom li jisimgħu l-esperti u jagħmlu diskussjonijiet dwar kwistjonijiet ewlenin. F'din il-paġna ssib l-informazzjoni kollha disponibbli rigward is-seduti ta' smigħ tal-kumitati, inklużi l-programmi u l-kontributi mill-kelliema.

FISC Public hearing on “Simplification and transparency: Role of simplified tax policy to encourage growth, job creation, competitiveness and cross-border business within the EU27”
Seduti ta’ smigħ FISC

On 17 October 2024, from 9:00 to 10:30, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on “Simplification and transparency: Role of simplified tax policy to encourage growth, job creation, competitiveness and cross-border business within the EU”.

Seduti ta’ smigħ AGRI

On 14 October, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will hold a public hearing on the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture, which has enabled the main stakeholders to envision the development of the European farming and food systems.