Unify the shopper experience and empower your teams, with rapid settlements and cohesive data.

Put an end to siloed data and disconnected systems with our next-gen Retail Settlement Solutions — so your personalized offers and targeted campaigns can quickly succeed at more than just driving sales.


Retail Settlement Solutions

Upgrade your promotions with a modernized settlement platform that has a long list of benefits.

Slash your fraud-related losses and management time, cut coupon logistics costs, and speed up payments to enhance cash flow — all with an efficient, simple platform that brings settlements into the digital age. You’ll even strengthen trade relationships, while minimizing deductions and write-offs. The list goes on.

Why Inmar’s Retail Settlement Solutions?


Automated POS fraud mitigation technology


E-Clearing for quick, secure validation and manufacturer invoicing


Basket Adjudication for 8110 Offers

closing the deal

What can we help you achieve?

Share some contact information, and we’ll reach out to discuss your goals — and how to reach them.