Presentations and workshops

Revenue Model Workshops


Transforming the Agency Revenue Model

Agencies struggle to extract the value they deserve from client relationships not because they aren't charging enough, but because they're selling the wrong thing to their clients.  This foundational online workshop shows how agencies can leave the hourly rate system behind and adopt 21st-century pricing practices designed to sell the agency’s value instead of its costs.  There’s a pricing revolution underway, and it’s time for agencies to start the journey to revitalized profits.

How to Re-Monetize Your Agency From the Ground Up

Why do agencies persist in selling components instead of finished products? Or worse yet, selling the hours required to build the components? When we price the building instead of the bricks, our clients are more likely to fully appreciate the value being delivered, which means we can more effectively capture the tremendous value we’re creating for our clients.  In this compelling online workshop, we show how the agency business can break through its broken belief system and start down the road to building a completely new, productized business model.

How Productized Services Can Create a Scalable Business Model for Your Firm

This compelling new workshop shows how agencies can move from offering a commonplace bullet-point list of services to a set of productized services, each of which is designed to solve an important client business problem.  Most existing agency competencies can be reimagined as programs or products, which are more scalable, more repeatable, and ultimately more profitable than labor-based services. The result is a profit margin that will allow agencies to compete more effectively with other businesses for top talent, the lifeblood of our business

Billing by the Nano-Second? How to Capture the Value of AI and Beyond

The rapid adoption of AI-powered solutions will ultimately propel all agencies into a product-based business model, which completely changes the nature of the agency-client relationship. In place of a circular conversation about the number of people and hours, you’ll be talking with your clients about what they really buy: solutions to their business problems.  An inimitable suite of high-value AI-powered programs and products presents your firm as a unique choice in the marketplace, which helps accomplish the ultimate goal of productization: premium pricing.

Business Model Workshops


Take A Stand for Your Brand

Just like any other successful product or service, agencies need a meaningful and distinctive position in the marketplace. Defining a position is difficult for agencies because it involves sacrifice. It means not only deciding what you are, but what you are not.

Bringing Your Positioning Strategy to Life

No professional services firm can serve all customers in all markets with all services. The most successful enterprises never attempt to be all things to all people, but rather specific things to specific people. They have developed strong, differentiating answers to the essential questions that constitute the foundation of an effective positioning strategy.

Ignition Speaks

Recent keynotes and workshops around the globe by Ignition’s Tim Williams

Commercial Communications Council
”Getting Paid for the Value You Create Instead of the Hours You Work”

Agency Leaders Symposium
”Three Ways to Transform Agency Pricing Starting Tomorrow”

”Progressive Pricing Strategies for Agencies”

Australasian Legal Practices Management Association (ALPMA) Summit
”Death by a Thousand Features” Keynote Address

TheNetworkOne Indie Summit
”Improve Your Profit by Improving Your Pricing”

4A's Acceleration Conference
"Choice Architecture in Agency Compensation"

4A's Transformation Conference
“The Power of Offering Pricing Options”
Los Angeles

IPA (Institute of Practitioners of Advertising)
Business Growth Conference
“Activating New Pricing Strategies"

ANA (Association of National Advertisers)
“The Promise of Value-Based Compensation”
New York

ICA (Institute of Communication Agencies, Canada)
“Getting Paid What You’re Worth”

Mirren New Business Conference
“New Models for Agencies”
New York

The Drum
“How Agencies Are Creating New Forms of Value for Themselves and Their Clients”

Mirren CEO Summit
“The Role of the CEO in Transforming Agency Compensation”

AAPQ (Association of Quebec Advertising Agencies)
“Reinventing Account Management”

Worldwide Partners
“How to Thrive in a Post-AOR World”
Las Vegas, NV

IPA (Institute for Practitioners in Advertising)
“Matching Professional Sellers with Professional Buyers"

IAPI (Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland)
“Getting Paid What You're Worth” - Workshop

Hubspot Inbound
Keynote Address

International Advertising Association (IAA)
“Agency 2.5: How Agencies Are Transforming for the Future”
New Delhi, India

Asian Advertising Agency Association
“Agency 2.5”
Kuala Lampur, Malaysia

Danish Advertising Agency Association (DRRB)
“How Agencies Are Transforming for the Future”

TAAN (Transworld Advertising Agency Network)
Agency 2.5

T-CAAN (Trans-Canada Advertising Agency Network)
“Positioning Your Firm for Success”


Ignition in Action


Ignition Presentation Hosts

Please contact us for speaking inquires

What People Are Saying


"Advertising is a tough business. Procurement has been doing their best to reduce agency remuneration to a commodity on a spreadsheet. For several years now we have been working with Tim Williams of Ignition to help our member agencies change their revenue model paradigm and practices. His workshops have provided a step-by-step process to help our members develop pricing approaches based on the value of the work, not the time of the staff. It has been very liberating and reminds us all what a great business advertising can be."  

Tony Hale, CEO, Advertising Council Australia

“You were the top-rated session at our recent conference. Thanks for your thought-leadership and your very significant contribution to the conference.”

Bill Duggan, Executive V.P., Association of National Advertisers


"Tim Williams has consistently brought innovative thinking, insights, and important perspectives that have been the catalyst to new directions for our members. His deep knowledge, practical experience, and his ability to push agencies into new directions makes him an essential partner to our organization. His style is comfortable, yet you can feel the passion for the business every time he starts the conversation with a group."

Peter Gerritsen, Executive Director, TAAN

“Ignition’s presentation on value-based pricing is the most exciting workshop we’ve attended at the 4As in recent years.  It’s especially relevant as we continue to refine and evolve our agency model to showcase the value we create for our clients.”  

— Richard Tan, CFO/Partner FIG

“As astute observer and thinker regarding the ad industry, Tim stimulates agency leaders to expand their consideration of how to structure and manage their businesses. He challenges convention and tradition to encourage the critical thinking agency leaders should do to maintain relevant, vibrant and profitable organizations.”

Gregory T. Walker, SVP, Agency Relations & Membership, 4As


“Tim Williams’ workshops and webinars are always much anticipated among ICA members, and are some of our most highly rated offerings. Attendees appreciate Tim’s experience and deep insights into our industry, and value his suggestions for continued agency transformation.”

Gillian Graham, CEO, Institute of Communication Agencies (ICA)