Add your open to options with screen reader support

Last updated: 4 months ago

Letting your LinkedIn network know when you are open to new jobs can bring more attention to your search. This topic tells you how to use a screen reader to show you are looking for new jobs. We have tested the topic with JAWS, Narrator, NVDA in Microsoft Edge, VoiceOver, the built-in iOS screen reader, and TalkBack, the built-in Android screen reader which adheres to common accessibility standards and techniques. Different screen readers and web browsers might behave differently.

Important to know

You must be signed in to your LinkedIn account.

To add your open to options with screen reader support:

  1. To open the Me menu on the LinkedIn homepage, press the Tab key until you hear “Me button, collapsed,” and then press Enter.

  2. To open your profile, press the Tab key until you hear “View Profile,” and then press Enter. Your profile page opens.

  3. To show you are open to new jobs, press the Tab key until you hear “Open to button,” and then press Enter. Press the Tab key once, and then press Enter. The Add job preferences pop-up window opens.

  4. To choose the job title or titles you are looking for, press the Tab key until you hear “Job titles.” LinkedIn automatically suggests one title. If you want to remove the suggestion, press Enter. To add job titles, press the Tab key until you hear “Add title,” and then start typing the job title. LinkedIn offers you suggestions matching what you typed. Use the Down and Up arrow keys to browse the suggestions, and then press Enter to select the title.

  5. To add more titles, start typing the next title and again select it from the suggestions.

  6. To choose whether you prefer to work on-site or remotely, press the Tab key until you hear “Workplaces,” followed by “On-site.” Press Spacebar to select or unselect the option, then press the Tab key to move to Hybrid and then Remote, selecting or unselecting them in the same way.

  7. To choose where you want to work, press the Tab key until you hear “Job locations, on-site.” LinkedIn automatically suggests one location. If you want to remove the suggestion, press Enter. To add job locations, press the Tab key until you hear “Add location,” and then start typing the country, city, or region. LinkedIn offers you suggestions matching what you typed. Use the Down and Up arrow keys to browse the suggestions, and then press Enter to select the location.

  8. To add more locations, start typing the next location and again select it from the suggestions. If you selected Remote in addition to or instead of On-site or Hybrid in step 6, press the Tab key until you hear “Job locations, remote,” and then add remote locations in the same way.

  9. To select when you’d like to start, press the Tab key until you hear “Start date,” followed by either “Immediately, I’m actively applying” or “Flexible, I’m casually browsing”, and then use the Down and Up arrow keys to choose between the two options. Press Spacebar to select.

  10. To choose whether you prefer to work full-time, part-time, or in some other arrangement, press the Tab key until you hear “Job types,” followed by “Full-time.” Press Spacebar to select or unselect the option, then press the Tab key to move to Contract, Part-time, Internship, and Temporary, selecting or unselecting them in the same way.

  11. To choose who sees your job search status, press the Tab key until you hear “Choose who sees you’re open,” and then press Spacebar. Press the Tab key once. You hear “All LinkedIn members.” Use the Down and Up arrow keys to move to the other option “Recruiters only” and back, and then press Spacebar to select the one you want.

  12. To finish adding the job search option to your profile, press the Tab key until you hear “Add to profile button,” and then press Enter. The Job preferences saved pop-up window opens. Press the Tab key until you hear “No thanks button,” and then press Enter.

    The focus returns to your profile page.

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