From the course: Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Recommendations

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What can you do with recommendation systems?

What can you do with recommendation systems?

- [Instructor] Recommendation systems have several different uses. The most common use for a recommendation system is ranking products by how much a user would like them. If a user is browsing or searching for products, we want to show them the products they would like most first in the list. Users expect to find what they want quickly and will move on if they have a hard time finding relevant products. Recommendation systems can also be used to find out how similar different products are to each other. If products are very similar to each other, they might appeal to the same users. When the user clicks on one product, we can use this to give the user links to other products that are very similar. Or if a user buys a product, we can email the user later with advertisements for similar products. Product similarity is especially useful in cases where we don't know much about a particular user yet. We can recommend similar products, even if the user hasn't entered any of their own…
