From the course: Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Recommendations

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- [Instructor] In the previous video, we created these four data files. If you like to create them now, run train_recommender_cold_start before you continue. Now let's open up When you show related products in the real application, you don't want to have refactor the matrix each time because it's too slow. Instead, you can use the product_features.dat file to calculate product similarity quickly. First we'll load the product_features.dat file using Python's pickle.load function. The M matrix that we just loaded has one column for each movie. Let's transpose the matrix so each column becomes a row. This just makes the data easier to work with, but it doesn't change the data. Next, we'll load the movie list using read_csv so we'll have access to the movie titles. And we'll pick a movie to find similar movies to. I've chosen movie_id = 5. Next we'll look up this movie in the movies_df dataframe and then we'll print out the movie's title and…
