From the course: Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Recommendations

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Latent representations of users and products

Latent representations of users and products

- [Instructor] We can estimate how much a user will like a movie by assigning attributes to each user and each movie and then multiplying them together and adding up the results. The same calculation can be represented as a matrix multiplication problem. First, we put the user attributes in the matrix called U, in this case, five, negative two, one, negative five, and five. And then, we put the movie attributes in the matrix called M, and we use matrix multiplication to find out the user's ratings. But to do this, we have to already know the user attributes and the movie attributes. It's not easy to come up with attribute ratings for each user and each movie by hand. We need a way to come up with them automatically. Let's look at the movie rating matrix that shows how all the users in our data set have rated movies so far. This matrix is very sparse, but it gives us a lot of information. For example, we know that user ID two gave five stars to movie number one. So, based on that, we…
