From the course: AI in Video Production and Post

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Where do I fit in?

Where do I fit in?

So after watching this class, I think a great question to ask is where do you fit in? Where do I fit in? And by you taking this class, you're already becoming more knowledgeable about what AI offers, and through knowledge, comes a lot of power. There's a couple of other things we want to talk about what AI might mean to you in this continually evolving ecosystem. And one of the things is that the jobs of video, even in some cases camera, motion graphics, and VFX artists will continue to change dramatically. This is with or without AI. There is now, more than ever, an amazing time to transcend story with these additional tools that are available to us to help automate very mundane processes, those mundane tasks that you don't even really want to do in the first place. I think in looking at some of the movies in the last chapter, we want to talk about where to draw the line with AI. Do we want AI to become a storyteller,…
