From the course: AI in Video Production and Post

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The potential future of AI in post-production

The potential future of AI in post-production

From the course: AI in Video Production and Post

The potential future of AI in post-production

Adobe has a conference every year called MAX. And during this conference, there's a session that's called Sneaks. Sneaks is in fact a sneak peek into certain tools that may show up in the existing application product line. In terms of video, a lot of these sneaks were in fact AI-driven in the last few years. I'm going to refer to the Adobe Sneaks website, which is actually online, and let you take a look at a couple of videos there which might pique your interest into what future technology might look like within the video editing and VFX realm. Combined with some other website links, we'll have a glimpse into the potential future of where AI might be involved in video post-production. So, we start to talk about AI in the future of post-production. I want to look at a couple case studies, and we're going to start by looking at Apple, and then we're going to follow then by looking at Adobe. Few years ago, Apple purchased a…
