From the course: Big Data in the Age of AI

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Data governance

Data governance

- [Narrator] My friend is a choregrapher and they've got a box full of early work recorded on Super Eight, on Betamax, and a whole bunch of other orphan video formats. One of these days they'll get them transferred to digital, but until then, these videos constitute a sort of data dead zone. There's data there, it's in there hands, they just can't do anything with it. It's actually an example of data governance gone wrong. Data governance is a lot like taking care of your dance videos or maybe your garden. In a garden there's a lot of work to do to make sure your plants are healthy and happy, and the same holds true for taking care of your data. There are four major elements of data governance. They concern the availability of data, the usability, the integrity of that data, and the security, and I'll talk a little bit about each of these separately. But I just want to mention, these things are hard enough to do when you…
