From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Solution: Render your first scene in Blender

Solution: Render your first scene in Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Solution: Render your first scene in Blender

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Now let's go ahead and add some objects, a couple more lights and render out this scene. It's real simple to add objects inside of Blender. You can either Left Click on this menu to add a new object, or I'm going to hold down my Middle Mouse and rotate around and zoom out. Remember, my camera to view is off, so I won't move my camera at all and I can hit N to hide this. Now I can go ahead in the Left Click up here, go to add, and I'll see that there's all of these amazing things that you can add, but the only real renderable ones are going to be mesh, metaballs and text. You can render grease pencils, volumes, and surfaces and curves, they just take a little bit more work. Let's go ahead and add a mesh, monkey, and you'll see that this monkey appears right in the middle, so let's go ahead and move it over, and then scale it up and rotate it around. And now come back into my camera view.…
