From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Symmetric vs. asymmetric cryptography

Symmetric vs. asymmetric cryptography

- There are many different kinds of encryption algorithms, and there are different ways that we can categorize those algorithms. Two of the major categories of encryption algorithms are: symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. Now you may already be familiar with the concept of symmetry, meaning that two things are the same. Symmetric shapes have two sides that when they're divided along an axis are identical. Similarly, the human face is often symmetric. In cryptography, symmetry relates to keys rather than shapes. We have two categories of encryption algorithms. In symmetric encryption algorithms, also known as shared secret encryption algorithms, the encryption and decryption operations use the same key. If one user encrypts a message using the secret key apple, a second user would decrypt the message with that same key. It's a shared secret. Asymmetric encryption algorithms, on the other hand, use different keys for…
