From the course: Conflict Resolution Foundations

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- Think about a picture you framed on your bookshelf. If you were to change the frame on that picture, it would change the way you see or think or feel about that picture. In conflict, the way we describe or characterize a problem is called framing. So if you're in the middle of a conflict and you and your partner are on opposite ends, changing the way you're looking at the problem can help you come together. But when we're locked in conflict, we can get blinded by our cognitive biases and stories, and reframing the issue can be elusive. It takes practice. In this course, we focused on several communication skills: asking diagnostic questions, paraphrasing, labeling, and mirroring. Now let's review the benefits of those skills, and I'll show you how they relate to reframing. Asking questions helps you understand your conflict partner's interests and goals. Paraphrasing helps you double-check your understanding.…
