From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Tracking down conditional formatting and data validation rules

Tracking down conditional formatting and data validation rules - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Tracking down conditional formatting and data validation rules

- [Instructor] Excel has two different features, 2 not related to one another. 3 One allows us to control the appearance 4 of sales and worksheets. 5 The other controls the actual content. 6 Conditional Formatting found on the home tab has a variety 7 of tools for highlighting data. 8 On the Data tab in the ribbon, 9 we've got Data Validation that allows us 10 to control the content. 11 Now imagine this workbook was sent to you. 12 You may or may not be familiar with those tools. 13 One thing that annoys you perhaps is 14 in column G we've got some colored backgrounds here. 15 Let's get rid of those. 16 What you might consider at least at first, 17 click column G. 18 On the Home tab, 19 go to the Fill Color bucket, 20 click the drop arrow and choose No Fill. 21 And what happens? 22 Change occurs in cell G1, 23 but these colors are still here. 24 Now at this point you probably would know 25 or have to know that…
