From the course: Hiring an Employee for Managers

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Red flags in hiring

Red flags in hiring

- Okay, let me ask you a bit of a personal question. Have you ever dated the wrong person and then months later, said to yourself, "Jeez, "I sure wish you would have paid attention "to those red flags"? Well, if you have not, consider yourself lucky. If you have, then this topic should be easy to understand. Red flags are just that. Huge, red flags waving in your face saying don't do it. Dating and hiring are eerily similar, and the wrong choice can wreak havoc on your life. These two are alike because you have such a narrow window to make a life-altering choice with only the info they are willing to give upfront. After all, your coworkers do become like family and the gate should be really high to get in. Let's get to business and discuss how to recognize red flags when hiring. First, like they say, the devil is in the details, so I urge you to pay close attention to those details. Those seemingly small things can actually be predictive of future behavior. Since the applicant only…
