From the course: Hiring an Employee for Managers

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What to know when interviewing

What to know when interviewing

- It is very important as managers to know how to hire the best people for the job. In fact, there's probably no other tool that is greater than learning effective techniques to interview and hire the people that will actually do the work. I'm going to take you through the steps you need to know to prepare the interview setting, effective interview techniques, and then conclude on what to expect when discussing salary. Let's discuss how to make the interview a productive one. First, set up the physical location or the video or phone conferencing. If it's an in-person interview, make sure you schedule an office or conference room that is private and comfortable. Make sure to offer them water or coffee and welcome them to your company. Make sure all of your calls are turned off or forwarded. If you're doing a video conference, take time to send the candidate all the video and web conferencing details and send a test link to make them make sure that it works on their end. Now secondly…
