From the course: Hiring Contract Employees

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Additional classification factors

Additional classification factors

From the course: Hiring Contract Employees

Additional classification factors

I've previously talked about how control is viewed as the number one factor when it comes to classification. There are other factors besides control that are important when classifying independent contractors. Let's dive in to eight of the other classification factors considered by laws and regulations. Do they have a distinct occupation? For example, is the work or skill artesian, tradesperson, or businessperson with specialized training, experience, and education? Do they have a business license, a business card, insurance, website, LinkedIn page, other 1099 clients, and other indicia of being independent? Do they look and act like an independent contractor? Do they advertise to the public? The IRS recognizes that by advertising a service to the public, a worker demonstrates that he or she is an independent contractor. These advertisements need not be in the newspaper or in the Yellow Pages, but they can even be by word of mouth, personal networking, social media, etc. Is there an…
