From the course: Influencing Others

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Be influenceable

Be influenceable

- In my research I spoke at length with Tony Hsieh, the founder and CEO of, which he led to being a sensationally successful business with a vibrant culture and very happy employees. He's one of the most influential leaders of his era. But he's also one of the most influenceable people you'll ever meet. Tony says being humble is not thinking less of yourself. It's about thinking of yourself less. Being influenceable isn't about giving in, giving up, being weak or soft, being scared, or being any less committed to your principles and to excellent results. And, being influenceable doesn't mean you're not going to disagree. Being influenceable does mean being both open minded and open hearted. Why? Because people tend to open their minds more to people who've opened their own minds, and to open their hearts to people who permit themselves to be inspired. Here's what to do. First, don't win arguments. Instead, win hearts and minds. Catch yourself when you hear that inner voice…
