From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

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Adding character style overrides

Adding character style overrides

- [Instructor] A character style ideally should provide an override to a paragraph style for fragments of text within the paragraph style. Let's have a look at how that works. First of all, so it's easier to see, I'm going to tap W on my keyboard just to hide everything at the moment. So we are in preview mode, but we can still work. I'm then going to tap Z on my keyboard to get the zoom tool and click and drag around this block just here. I'm then going to tap T to get the type tool and I'll select all of the paragraph texts there and we'll create a paragraph style for it. We didn't style that separately, so we need to do that right now. So I'll go to the paragraph styles here, new paragraph style, and I'm going to call that back copy like so just for the time being. It's going to apply to the selection. It will inherit everything that we've got in copying that across. So what happens then if we need to…
