From the course: SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray 3

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File Path Editor

File Path Editor

- [Instructor] For V-Ray artists coming to SketchUp from other DCC applications, such as 3ds Max, perhaps one of the most frustrating aspects of the experience is the limited way in which SketchUp manages scene assets, with very little to nothing at all being available in the way of both tracking and retargeting. Which is why the new File Path Editor in V-Ray for SketchUp is a very welcome addition indeed. Particularly so where users may be receiving files from other artists and/or studios. And where scenes have had lots of bitmap and proxy assets added to them. In our start scene, for instance, lots of the materials that we are using have had bitmaps applied to various areas of the materials, such as the diffuse and bump channels. The problem, though, is that, unless I work my way through every material in the scene, and check all of the mappable channels, I have no way of knowing how efficiently these have been organized. Or even if they are going to be available to me at render…
