From the course: SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray 3

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V-Ray light types: IES

V-Ray light types: IES

- [Instructor] For both interior and exterior renders, the IES light type offers an extremely powerful and easy to use method for adding real world lighting data to our scenes. As we have with our previous light types, let's go ahead and add an IES light to the scene by coming to the lights toolbar and clicking to select the IES option. What we instantly get is a reminder that this light type works a little differently than those that we have already considered, because what we are faced with now is a dialogue that is asking for the location of the IES file that we want to attach to this light. Which in simple terms, is a digital profile of a real world light fixture, something that describes both the emission pattern and emission strength of a specific light in as we say a specific type of light fixture. Now there are lots of free IES files that can be found on the net, with many lighting manufacturers providing them for free, oftentimes along with a 3D model of the light fixture…
