From the course: SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray 3

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Introduction to V-Ray materials, part 2

Introduction to V-Ray materials, part 2 - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray 3

Introduction to V-Ray materials, part 2

- [Instructor] Having taken a brief look at as we say four of the 14 V-Ray materials available to us in version three, let's continue with the exercise and take a look now at the car paint material. Now, we did mention earlier that we could use V-Ray's blend material to create complex shaders such as car paints and what we have here though is a ready-made material with everything that we would need to hand in order to create a typical metallic car paint surface. The material comes with four basic components already set up as it were, so we have the base color and base reflection controls along with a glossiness setting. We have a metallic flakes rollout and we have a coat rollout with the material letting us adjust the settings for each of these elements separately. Indeed, if we apply this material to the shader ball head and base in the scene, and then render, we can see out of the box the effect that we get. Switching the color of the car material over to orange and then adjusting…
