Leave no container unturned

Analyze the contents of container images to identify security vulnerabilities ahead of deployment – and address potential risks.

Fast vs. Secure

While containers enable the fast deployment of applications, staying on top of vulnerabilities buried deep across multiple containers is a huge challenge. And with frequent updates and deployments, it’s nearly impossible to keep up, let alone get ahead, of security risks.

High volume overload

The sheer volume of images and dependencies takes far too long to scan. And when everything is shipped at speed, vulnerabilities can easily slip through.

Dependency neglect

Open source libraries and packages incorporated in containers rarely get checked for dependency updates – meaning that external risks may be skipped over.

Detecting compliance and security issues in containerized applications

As WalkMe partnered with Fortune 100 companies, they were searching for a way to improve security and compliance across their containerized applications. Learn how they did it with Mend.io.

“With Mend, we hit the ground running, and immediately got all the info and insights we needed to be able to ship our releases confident that our containerized applications were safe and compliant.”

– Dror Zilberman, WalkMe DevSecOps leader

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WTW has developed a successful partnership with Mend.io.
Secure containerized applications easily with Mend Container

From scanning images and K8s to secret handling and reachability analysis, Mend Container analyzes it all to help you identify and remediate vulnerabilities – before and after deployment.

Container-level reachability analysis

Mend Container pinpoints where vulnerabilities in the code are hiding in your containers and identifies whether the vulnerable functions are actually reachable or not — separating real risks from the theoretical.

Analyze Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Coming Soon – Mend Container will analyze IaC templates to uncover hidden security risks, such as insecure access, open ports, and sensitive data leaks.

Keeps secrets safe

Mend Container sifts through every file system and code repository to make sure passwords and API keys are kept out of harm’s way.

Integrates with Kubernetes

Mend Container scans all deployed images and automatically prioritizes fixes depending on whether they are actively deployed — or not.

Research Report – ESG Report: Optimizing
Application Security Effectiveness

Additional resources

Kubernetes Security Best Practices

Learn how to avoid risks by applying security best practices.

Guide to Open Source Software Security

Learn how to build your open source security program.

Docker Container Security: Challenges and Best Practices

Read an overview of Docker and which best practices and tools to adopt.

Secure your containerized applications