Mend Container

Secure containerized applications

Mend Container offers a full-stack container security scanning solution with image scanning, reachability analysis, code to cloud, secret scanning, and K8s integration.

We help leading enterprises build mature, proactive AppSec programs

How Mend Container helps you
secure containerized applications

Container reachability analysis

Traditional vulnerability detection is just not enough to help your devs reduce risk efficiently.

Mend Container offers an innovative, agentless reachability analysis, identifying which vulnerable methods are actually being used at runtime, both on the application layer and the container layer.

Enable your teams to prioritize remediation efforts on vulnerabilities that pose an actual threat.

Development to deployment

Find vulnerabilities found in container images early in development, identify threats during runtime, and pinpoint the root location for rapid remediation.

Secrets scanning

Imagine a world where sensitive information like passwords, credentials, keys, and certificates never slip through the cracks in your container images.

Mend Container goes beyond surface layers, meticulously sifting through every nook and cranny, including filesystems and code repositories, to unearth hidden secrets that could expose your systems.

K8s cluster scanning

Streamline your security process by automatically scanning all running container images within your Kubernetes clusters.

This comprehensive view will allow your teams to identify and label deployed containers, ensuring you focus on securing the versions critical to your operations.

Mend Container data sheet

With Mend Container, you get –

Actionable remediation suggestions

Advanced reporting and policy capabilities

All environments in one platform

Security from pipeline to production

Support the container and the app deployed on it

Integrates with all image registries

Stop playing defense against alerts.
Start building a proactive AppSec program.

Additional resources

Kubernetes Security Best Practices

Learn how to avoid risks by applying security best practices.

Guide to Open Source Software Security

Learn how to build your open source security program.

Docker Container Security: Challenges and Best Practices

Read an overview of Docker and which best practices and tools to adopt.