Manage open source AppSec risk

Developers rely on open source packages—but if you can’t proactively manage open source components and dependencies, your organization is at risk

Constant OSS updates

In one corner: An open source community that constantly updates open source packages, making it hard to keep up with vulnerability information for each package. Finding accurate, up-to-date information about vulnerabilities is a real challenge.

Time-strapped teams

In the other corner: AppSec teams using outmoded legacy tools to manage vulnerabilities and updates across thousands – or tens of thousands – of packages.

Manually mapping vulnerabilities across all the open source code used by your developers takes up a great deal of time and energy.

Opportunity for hackers

And the winner is: Cybercriminals, who see open source packages as a rich source of exploitable vulnerabilities and vehicles for creating malicious packages.

Fast feedback helps devs respond rapidly to open source vulnerabilities

See how Siemens saves time and resources in scanning, identifying, and fixing open source vulnerabilities with

“The biggest value we get out of Mend is the fast feedback loop, which enables our developers to respond rapidly to any vulnerability or license issues.”

– Markus Leutner, Siemens Schweiz AG DevOps engineer for cloud solutions

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Take charge of open source risk

Mend SCA identifies, maps, and analyzes open source vulnerabilities, enabling you to prioritize remediations based on application and enterprise risk.

Advanced reachability analysis

Once vulnerable dependencies are identified, Mend SCA produces a call graph that clearly shows whether or not your code reaches vulnerable functions in direct and transitive dependencies.

Risk-based prioritization

Mend SCA takes into account exploitability and CVSS 4.0 scoring, enabling you to prioritize remediation of the vulnerabilities that pose the highest risk to your organization.

Malicious package protection

From protestware to data stealers and crypto miners, Mend SCA uses unique detection methods to protect your code from the most cleverly disguised open source malware.

Holistic policy automation

Mend SCA also lets you design and implement automated risk-based policies to ensure the highest priority threats to your organization are always remediated quickly.

Research Report – ESG Report: Optimizing
Application Security Effectiveness

Additional resources

What is Software Composition Analysis (SCA)?

Find out what a Software Composition Analysis tool is and why it should be part of your application security portfolio.

Open Source Risk Report

Open source vulnerabilities and malicious packages are on the rise.

Guide to Open Source Software Security

Learn how to build your open source security program.

End-to-end open source risk management