Our Mission
The maker movement has had a global impact on local communities around the world.
Makerspaces, hackerspaces, biospaces, incubators, innovation spaces, Maker Faires, maker meetups and events and maker organizations have fueled unparalleled innovation, growth, and economic impact in a wide breadth of sectors including education, the arts, music, design, science, technology, engineering, medical innovation, culinary arts, agriculture, defense, economic and workforce development, community revitalization, and manufacturing. But there is still much work to be done to strengthen and support the community and to increase its impact around the world.
Nation of Makers (NoM), is a coalition of diverse organizations that are working together to support the maker community through community building, resource sharing, and advocacy. NoM is actively working with leaders from the maker community in all 50 states and has received more than 300 Letters of Support from hackerspaces, makerspaces, companies, libraries, local governments, and economic development agencies.