MySQL Slow Query Log Analyzer

Extract and analyze data from MySQL slow log

Leverage MySQL slow log to see query performance in an application context

You need to see what queries affect applications the most. Identifying slow MySQL logs is a good place to start, but you need deeper insight to discover why queries are running slowly to begin with.

SolarWinds® Database Performance Analyzer (DPA) is built to show the precise link between query performance and resource contention, its effect on the database, and application performance by correlating database response time with resource metrics. With just a few quick clicks, you can also filter data...

Gain Multi-Dimensional Performance Analysis with MySQL slow query log analyzer

In query tuning, you need to know which system resources are used or waited on the most. MySQL logs may only show how long the query spent in the database, any locks acquired, and rows affected or sent. However, analysis of wait states, thread states, and operations recorded in MySQL Performance Schema can quickly tell you where to focus when tuning.

The Multi-Dimensional Performance Analysis features in SolarWinds MySQL slow log analyzer is designed to simplify the task of deciphering the many ...

View wait-based analyses to understand the causes of slow queries

How do you know if the query in the MySQL slow log is affecting an application? If you tune it, how will you know if you decreased application response time? Wait states are critical to understanding the precise cause of slow queries and response times.

SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer is built to monitor these waits and identify those with the most impact on database performance. It can provide a description of the wait, recommendations on how to best resolve the issue, and even the person...

Get advice on how to best resolve slow query performance with MySQL slow log analyzer

Database Performance Analyzer tuning advisors are designed to provide clear and actionable advice on how to resolve slow query and poor database performance. Database Performance Analyzer can collate data points, whether from five years ago or five seconds ago, and present the results in easy-to-understand bar charts. Additionally, this MySQL slow query log analyzer features alarms leading to more detailed data surrounding an issue. This can help DBAs quickly address problems.

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Record and Analyze MySQL Slow Log Data

Database Performance Analyzer for MySQL

  • Identify the root cause of slow MySQL queries quickly.
  • Boost application performance to keep productivity high.
  • Reduce costs by sizing your servers appropriately.
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