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South Carolina Legislature


Legislative Publications

    Legislative Publications Order Form
    Published annually, the order form is required for printed legislative material offered by the Legislative Services Agency (LSA).
    Published by: Legislative Services Agency (LSA)

    South Carolina's Legislative Process, How A Bill Becomes An Act Flowchart
    Reprinted as needed, the South Carolina Legislative Process booklet is an overview of the lawmaking process of the South Carolina General Assembly. The booklet has been developed to aid in understanding the process and offers a glossary of terms used in the legislative process.
    Published by: Clerk of the House of Representatives. Available online only.

    Legislative Updates
    Published weekly during legislative session, the Legislative Update provides summaries of legislation including actions taken on the floor of the House of Representatives and in the Committees.
    Published by: Office of Research of the House of Representatives. Available online only.

    Bill Summary Index to Legislative Updates
    Updated per each publication of the Legislative Update, the Bill Summary Index is a cumulative index of legislation referenced in and linked to the specific Update issue.
    Updated by: Legislative Services Agency (LSA). Available online only.

    Final Legislative Digest of 2024
    Published annually, the final Legislative Digest is a compilation of legislation of the Senate and House of Representatives including bill number, sponsors, and bill history actions. The Digest contains specific reports as to subject matter, sponsors and ratified legislation. The Digest is published at the completion of the annual legislative session after all enacted legislation has been assigned act numbers. Visit the Archives for Final Legislative Digests beginning with the 2001 legislative session.
    Published by: a joint publication of Legislative Council and the Legislative Services Agency (LSA). Available online only.

    State Budget Bills
    Published annually, several versions of the State Budget Bill are published during each annual legislative session. The published versions are: As Introduced by the House Ways & Means Committee; As Passed by the House; As Reported by the Senate Finance Committee; As Passed by the Senate; Committee of Conference Report; and As Ratified and Enacted.
    Published by: a joint publication of the Office of State Budget and the Legislative Services Agency (LSA). Some versions available in print; all versions available online. Access the Legislative Publications Order Form for versions offered as printed publication.

    State Register and Regulations
    Published monthly, the State Register is a temporary update to the official compilation of South Carolina State Agency Regulations. Detailed information regarding Regulations is available online.
    Published by: Legislative Council. The State Register is available online and in print via a subscription fee. For information on how to subscribe, view the South Carolina State Register Subscription Form.

    Advance Sheets
    Published annually, the Advance Sheets include all statewide enacted legislation ordered by act numbers as assigned by Legislative Council. Archived Advance Sheets from previous sessions beginning in 2009 are available.
    Published by: a joint publication of Legislative Council and the Legislative Services Agency (LSA). Available online only.

    Volumes of Acts and Joint Resolutions
    Published annually, volumes of the Acts and Joint Resolutions are the official compilation of all enacted legislation, statewide, temporary and local, which have subsequently become law.
    Published by: a joint publication of Legislative Council and the Legislative Services Agency (LSA). Available online only.

    Senate Journals
    Published daily, the Senate Journals are the official record of proceedings of the daily Senate sessions. The daily journals are compiled into permanent volumes after the annual session has adjourned. Permanent volumes with indexes are accessible from the Archives menu, Journals link.
    Published by: Clerk of the Senate. Available online only.

    House of Representatives Journals
    Published daily, the House Journals are the official record of proceedings of the daily House sessions. The daily journals are compiled into permanent volumes after the annual session has adjourned. Permanent volumes with indexes are accessible from the Archives menu, Journals link.
    Published by: Clerk of the House of Representatives. Available online only.

Member Publications

    List of Members of the South Carolina General Assembly
    Published immediately as updates are made, the Member List contains contact and address information for the current Membership of the South Carolina General Assembly.
    Published by: a joint publication of the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Legislative Services Agency (LSA). Available online only.

    List of Standing Committees of the South Carolina General Assembly
    Published immediately as updates are made, the Standing Committee List contains the current Membership of Standing Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives. Committee chairmen are listed along with office and telephone information.
    Published by: Clerk of the House of Representatives. Available online only.

    List of Joint and Special Committees of the Senate and House
    Published immediately as updates are made, the Joint and Special Committees List contains the current Membership of the Joint and Special Committees of the Senate and House.
    Published by: Clerk of the House of Representatives. Available online only.

    2024 South Carolina Legislative Manual
    Published annually, the Legislative Manual provides detailed information including photographs and biographies on the current officials in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of South Carolina State Government; the South Carolina Congressional Delegation; and, State Officers. Additionally, the Manual serves as a useful resource for information on State Senate and House of Representatives districts; Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives; State Agencies; State Symbols and Emblems; South Carolina County Officers; United States Government Departments in South Carolina; and historical information on South Carolina Governors, Lieutenant Governors and Speakers of the House.
    Published by: Clerk of the House of Representatives. Available online and printed copy may be purchased.

    Purchase Legislative Manuals
    If you would like to make a purchase, please contact us directly at (803) 212-4490 during normal business hours (8:30am - 5:00pm EST).

    2023 Red Book
    Published each odd numbered year, the Red Book contains photographs and biographies of the current Membership of the Senate and House of Representatives along with their district, address and telephone information.
    Published by: Clerk of the House of Representatives. Available online only.

    2023-2024 South Carolina House of Representatives Freshman Members
    Published at the beginning of the first session of the two-year legislative session, the House of Representatives Freshman Members list features a photograph and brief biography of each freshman.
    Published by: Clerk of the House of Representatives. Available online only.

State Agency Publications

    Current State Agency Reports
    Published upon receipt from submitting agency, State Agency Reports are received from various State Agencies.
    Published by: Legislative Services Agency (LSA) upon receipt from South Carolina State Agencies. Available online only.

    Archived State Agency Reports
    Published upon receipt from submitting agency, State Agency Reports are received from various State Agencies. Reports submitted prior to 2011 have been archived.
    Published by: Legislative Services Agency (LSA) upon receipt from South Carolina State Agencies. Available online only.

Legislative Services Agency
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