Toolkits are a benefit of SHRM membership. SHRM toolkits aggregate resources, articles, and other practical information related to a specific HR topic. They provide a general overview of a topic with linked resources to provide more detailed information.
This toolkit provides an overview of the use of independent contractors, commonly referred to as gig workers.
This toolkit discusses the basics of pre-employment testing, types of selection tools and test methods, and determining what testing is needed.
An overview of effective practices when downsizing an organization's workforce by means of a layoff.
This toolkit provides an overview about how employers and employees can manage and resolve workplace conflict. It contains recommendations for managing conflict if it arises and discusses employee communication and metrics .
This toolkit provides an overview of the legal framework in which employers must navigate religion in the workplace and also discusses the opportunity to provide a welcoming and inclusive workplace as a major factor in attracting and retaining top talent.