Better ABM: Five Lessons Developer Marketing Can Teach All ABMers

Often in ABM, we see teams focus only on targeting the “decision-maker.” But this approach weakens overall effectiveness because it overlooks the role of practitioners with buying groups.

Because Developer Marketing is a practice that recognizes the substantial influence of practitioner audiences on the purchasing process, success there can shed light on how ABM teams can better address these issues in most cases. In this e-book, created in partnership with Iron Horse, you’ll gain insights from Developer Marketing, including:

  • The problem with broad practitioner persona categories and how to create more precise personas.
  • The differences between practitioners’ and decision-makers’ buying journeys.
  • Five practices Developer Marketers use to create content that resonates with practitioners.
  • How to engage different members of the buying team through cohesive experiences.
  • How to use data and buyer insights to improve engagement with sales outreach.
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