ReactJS Tutorial

ReactJS Tutorial

This ReactJS tutorial includes all of the most recent updates up to version 18.2.0 and covers every topic, from fundamental to advanced. React is the most recommended JavScript library to learn now because of its core foundation of features and large community.

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces(UIs). React is developed and released by Facebook. Facebook is continuously working on the React library and enhancing it by fixing bugs and introducing new features.

Who should learn ReactJS?

This tutorial is prepared for beginners to working professionals who are aspiring to make a career in the field of developing front-end web applications. This tutorial is intended to make you comfortable in getting started with the React concepts with examples.

Why Learn ReactJS?

There are several reasons to learn ReactJS, as per the demand in the development industry of React developers and features React has to offer that can not be replaced by other frameworks or libraries.

  • Ease of Use: ReactJS does not require writing lengthy codes as it supports the Components concept so a small amount of code can be created and can be used in multiple places.
  • Multiple Module Support: There are so many modules in ReactJS that can be used to make your development more scalable, and manageable at a fast pace.
  • Multiple Apps Development: By using React knowledge we can create Web Pages, Web Apps, Mobile Apps, and VR Apps. There are a lot of websites that are using ReactJS like Airbnb, Cloudflare, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • Easy Migration: Because of its easy learning curve migration from other technologies became so easy. There are tons of resources to learn ReactJS from basics to advanced.
  • Large Community: ReactJS has one of the largest communities to help you when you are in trouble debugging your codes or get stuck learning new things.

ReactJS Example Code

As this is sample code without the environment setup this code will not work to set up the ReactJS environment check ReactJS Installation article.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';

function Greeting(props) {
return <h1>Welcome to TutorialsPoint</h1>;

const container = document.getElementById("root");
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
root.render(<Greeting />);

Features of ReactJS

ReactJS plays an essential role in the front-end ecosystem. There are so many important features of ReactJS as it is the most demanding library for front-end development.

  • Virtual DOM: Virtual DOM is a special kind of DOM that is used in ReactJS. Virtual DOM represents the real DOM of the current HTML document. Whenever there is a change in the HTML document, React checks the updated virtual DOM with the previous state of the Virtual DOM and updates only the difference in th actual/real DOM.
  • Reusable Components: Components need to be written a single time and can be used multiple times by just calling that component where we require that component.
  • One-Way Data Binding: One-way data binding prevents the data in a component from flowing backward. A component can pass the data to its child component only. This will simplify the data handling and reduce the complexity.

To know more about the features of ReactJS please check ReactJS Features article.

Prerequisites to Learn ReactJS

Before proceeding with this tutorial, we assume that the readers have the basic knowledge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript concepts.

Getting Started with ReactJS

To get started with ReactJS we need to clear our fundamentals first before proceeding into complex topics. We will recommend you to code along with each article you read this will help you to understand the concepts. If you can create a project along with your learning that will be more helpful.

Basics of ReactJS

ReactJS Components

Component is the heart of ReactJS, it is the building block of a React application. A React component represents a small chunk of user interface in a webpage.

ReactJS States

State represents the value of the dynamic properties of a React component at a given instance. React provides a dynamic data store for each component.

ReactJS Hooks

Hooks are plain JavaScript functions having access to state and lifecycle events of the component in which it is used. In general, hooks start with the use keyword.

ReactJS Props

Props are used to pass data between components. In real-world projects we need the components to interact with each other which is not possible with the states as it is private to that particular component.

Other Important Topics of ReactJS

There are a few more things that you need to know about ReactJS as it is updating itself at a fast pace so you have to keep up with the new features as well. You can check our recently ReactJS published articles on this link. These articles are not part of our tutorial.

ReactJS Jobs and Salary

ReactJS is popular front-end library in these days. There are a lot compnaies that hire ReactJS developers like facebook, instagram, airbnb, etc.

  • ReactJS Developer - Salary ranges in between ₹ 1.5 Lakhs to ₹ 16.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 7.3 Lakhs

Frequently Asked Questions on ReactJS

It is a front-end focused JavaScript library mainly used to build single or multi-page web application interfaces.

There is no difference between ReactJS and React both are the same.

React's data flow is much easier than Angular, as it follows one-way data binding as well React also provides some exceptional features that no libraries provide. Because of that, the community of React is larger, so you can get help immediately.

As we said at the beginning of this article, this course is for beginners as well as for advanced.

React.js Articles

You can explore a set of React.js articles at React.js Articles.
