Security Council2024-05-08T15:30:03-04:00

The Question of Palestine and the Security Council

A Conference Officer at work in the Security Council Chamber, ahead of a Council meeting. UN Photo/Kim Haughton

A Conference Officer at work in the Security Council Chamber, ahead of a Council meeting. UN Photo/Kim Haughton

Under the United Nations Charter, the Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Since 1948, the Council has addressed the situation in the Middle East and the Palestinian question on many occasions. When fighting broke out, the Council has called for, or ordered cease-fires. It also dispatched military observers, and deployed UN peace-keeping forces in the region. The Council has set the basic principles for a negotiated peaceful settlement (known as the “land for peace” formula) by its resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973). The Council has, on numerous occasions, expressed concern about the situation on the ground, declared null and void the measures taken by the Israeli Government to change the status of Jerusalem, called for the cessation of Israeli settlement activity, which it determined to have no legal validity, reaffirmed the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention and called for the return of Palestinian deportees. The Council has repeatedly called for the immediate resumption of the negotiations within the current Middle East peace process with the aim of achieving an early final settlement between the Israeli and Palestinian sides. The Council affirmed the vision of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side within secure and recognised borders, by its resolution 1397 (2002), and endorsed the Quartet’s (UN, Russia, US and EU) Road Map by its resolution 1515 (2003). The Council receives monthly briefings and holds periodic open debates on the issue. In 2011 President Mahmoud Abbas submitted the application of Palestine for UN membership, currently before the Council. By resolution 2334 (2016)  the Council demanded that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities.

Security Council Web Site

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SC’s Resolutions on Question of Palestine

Date Title Symbol
28-Aug-2024 Escalating tensions in Lebanon and implementation of SC resolution 1701 (2006): Security Council adopted Resolution 2749 (2024) S/RES/2749 (2024)

Security Council, United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)


Resolution, Security Council resolution

27-Jun-2024 SecCo Resolution 2737 (2024): extension of mandate of UNDOF S/RES/2737 (2024)

Security Council, United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF)


Resolution, Security Council resolution

10-Jun-2024 UN Security Council proposed a 3-phase ceasefire deal to end war in Gaza – Adopted resolution [S/RES/2735 (2024)] at its 9650th meeting S/RES/2735 (2024)

Security Council


Resolution, Security Council resolution

25-Mar-2024 UN Security Council demands Ramadan ceasefire, lifting of barriers to humanitarian assistance – Security Council Resolution 2728 (2024) S/RES/2728 (2024)

Security Council


Resolution, Security Council resolution

22-Dec-2023 Protection of civilians and enabling of immediate humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in Gaza – Security Council Resolution – 2720 (2023) S/RES/2720(2023)

Security Council


Resolution, Security Council resolution

15-Nov-2023 All parties to comply with international humanitarian law, release of hostages, humanitarian pauses and corridors in Gaza – Security Council resolution 2712 (2023) S/RES/2712 (2023)

Security Council


Resolution, Security Council resolution

23-Dec-2016 Illegality of Israeli Settlements in Palestinian Territory Occupied Since 1967 S/RES/2334 (2016)

Security Council


Resolution, Security Council resolution

11-Nov-2009 Protection of civilians – SecCo resolution S/RES/1894 (2009)

Security Council


Resolution, Security Council resolution

08-Jan-2009 Gaza ceasefire, humanitarian aid – SecCo resolution S/RES/1860 (2009)

Security Council


French text, Resolution, Security Council resolution

16-Dec-2008 Annapolis process – SecCo resolution S/RES/1850 (2008)

Security Council


Resolution, Security Council resolution

Showing 10 documents of 299 found.

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