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W3C organizes an annual week of Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee meetings (TPAC) where most Working Groups, some Community Groups, and the Advisory Committee hold in-person/virtual hybrid meetings, as well as a day of numerous breakout sessions on specific topics.

There are #tpac channels on the W3C irc server and Slack instance for general discussions.

Upcoming TPAC:


The W3C site has a list of all previous TPAC meetings

Number of breakout sessions held during the TPACs Technical Plenary Day:

  • 2011: 30 sessions (santa clara)
  • 2012: 39 sessions (lyon)
  • 2013: 26 sessions (shenzhen)
  • 2014: 30 sessions (santa clara)
  • 2015: 47 sessions (sapporo)
  • 2016: 35 sessions (lisbon)
  • 2017: 40 sessions (burlingame)
  • 2018: 47 sessions (lyon)
  • 2019: 59 sessions (fukuoka)
  • 2020: 59 (covid; remote only)
  • 2021: 48 (covid; remote only)
  • 2022: 45 (vancouver)
  • 2023: 69 (seville)