Customer Service scenario: Respond to a customer complaint (Copilot Studio)

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Using Copilot to respond to a customer complaint (Copilot Studio)

1. Review customer history

Prompt Copilot to summarize email threads and customer meetings, as well as previous interactions using a single interface. With Copilot for Service, view a summary of the opportunity.

Microsoft Copilot icon


Microsoft Copilot icon

Copilot for Service

Rapidly get up to speed to on the concerns raised across all interactions.

2. Accelerate diagnosis

Ask Copilot to gather product information from internal and external sources and historical resolution to aid diagnosis. Copilot for Service includes historical resolution data from your CRM system.​

Microsoft Copilot icon


Microsoft Copilot icon

Copilot for Service

Gathering product information from multiple sources and asking Copilot to prepare a summary can save time and increase accuracy.​

3. Meet with product team​

Use Copilot in Teams to suggest questions to ask the product team based on the customer request and potential solutions.

Microsoft Teams icon

Copilot in Teams

Copilot can help boost creativity by suggesting solutions from its vast knowledge base.

4. Draft proposed response​

Use Copilot in Word to update best practices and scripts to enable Copilot to provide agents with step-by-step resolution procedures based on the diagnosed issue.​

Word icon

Copilot in Word

Rapidly update key guides and scripts directly from the meeting recap.

5. Meet with the customer

Build an app in Copilot Studio to enable your customers to book a time with an agent. Have Copilot in Teams take meeting notes and summarize action items.

Microsoft Teams icon

Copilot in Teams

Copilot Studio icon

Copilot Studio

Document and socialize the action items to keep the resolution process moving forward towards a successful close.

6. Share a resposne

Have Copilot in Outlook draft an email summarizing the interaction and highlighting how the issues will be resolved.

Outlook icon

Copilot in Outlook

Quickly summarize files and draft emails to inform customers.

1Access Copilot at or the Microsoft Copilot mobile app and set toggle to “Web”
2Access Copilot at, the Microsoft Copilot mobile app, or the Copilot app in Teams, and set toggle to “Work”