Finance scenario: Contract management

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Available with: Copilot for Microsoft 365 Scenario level:

KPIs impacted

Reduce spend

Risk management

Value benefit

Cost savings

Employee experience

Using Copilot for contract management

1. Recap a meeting

Catch up on the key discussion points, decisions, and action items from a missed meeting.

Microsoft Teams icon

Copilot in Teams

Summarize this meeting and provide the key points and action items.

2. Evaluate contracts

Use Copilot to review the latest U.S. GAAP updates for the past quarter to determine which amendments may need review.​

Microsoft Copilot icon


Use Copilot to review the latest U.S. GAAP updates for the past quarter to determine which amendments may need review.​

3. Summarize comparisons

Synthesize the contract comparisons and generate summaries and insights.

Word icon

Copilot in Word

Summarize this document [summary.docx] into 5 key takeaways in paragraph form.

4. Generate a presentation

Create a presentation that summarizes the key takeaways and includes recommendations based on the identified risks.

PowerPoint icon

Copilot in PowerPoint

Create a presentation from file [summary.docx] and include the team’s recommendations.

5. Collaborate with team

Brainstorm with colleagues on the draft presentation to incorporate diverse perspective.

Microsoft Loop icon

Copilot in Loop

Create a space for team members to contribute ideas for the presentation. Start with a list of topics and details from [summary.docx]. “Summarize page” so team members can get a quick recap.

6. Communicate recommendations

Send an email to colleagues soliciting feedback on the presentation. Include the Loop for more efficient collaboration.

Outlook icon

Copilot in Outlook

Use Coaching by Copilot to enhance the tone of your email while conveying urgency in your request. Tone is Direct and Length is Short.

1Access Copilot at or the Microsoft Copilot mobile app and set toggle to “Web”
2Access Copilot at, the Microsoft Copilot mobile app, or the Copilot app in Teams, and set toggle to “Work”