Lighthouse bookmarklet

I use Firefox. You should too. It’s fast, secure, and more privacy-focused than the leading browser from the big G.

When it comes to web development, the CSS developer tooling in Firefox is second-to-none. But when it comes to JavaScript and network-related debugging (like service workers), Chrome’s tools are currently better than Firefox’s (for now). For example, Chrome has a tab in its developer tools that lets you run Lighthouse on the currently open tab.

Yesterday, I got the Calibre newsletter, which always has handy performance-related links from Karolina. She pointed to a Lighthouse extension for Firefox. “Excellent!”, I thought, and I immediately installed it. But I had some qualms about installing a plug-in from Google into a browser from Mozilla, particularly as the plug-in page says:

This is not a Recommended Extension. Make sure you trust it before installing

Well, I gave it a go. It turns out that all it actually does is redirect to the online version of Lighthouse. “Hang on”, I thought. “This could just be a bookmarklet!”

So I immediately uninstalled the browser extension and made this bookmarklet:


Drag that up to your desktop browser’s bookmarks toolbar. Press it whenever you’re on a site that you want to test.

Have you published a response to this? :


Šime Vidas

The extension is still broken (for folks who block pop-ups in Firefox, so I guess I’ll just use your bookmarklet instead. 😂

Clive Walker

You’re never too old to learn. Every time I work on a new website, I’m always finding and trying new things. I should probably document these more (mainly to help me remember them, ahem). So, let’s start now…

Details, just little details

The <details> element. Holy moly, why did I not know about this?! It’s easy to create a show-hide toggle without JavaScript using the <details> and <summary> elements as described here. Admittedly, this gives a relatively simple content toggle but it’s ideal for a FAQs section on a site. The simplicity wins for me.


I did a lot more work with Flexbox on a recent project. It’s great. That and Grid Layout means that the era of floats for layout is over. Hurrah for that!

Shaping up nicely

Yay! for triangle shapes using CSS and pseudo elements. Using a tool like this CSS triangle generator it’s easy to create triangles with CSS. Then, it’s possible to use these as list item bullet points by adding them to pseudo elements such as li a::before or li::before. See also this post.

Grid overlay

I find it really useful to overlay a grid on my layouts when I’m building them. If I’m building a site from a designer’s static visuals, this also helps the designer compare the site build with their designs. This grid overlay article describes how to create a grid with CSS.

Overlapping things

Positioning a banner image underneath an overlapping header element. Use position:relative and e.g top: -150px on the banner image.


Most of the above were used on a single website project. It was a challenging and rewarding site to work on. I enjoyed it.

One more thing

in recent weeks, I’ve been reading posts from Modern CSS Solutions which is a great site exploring new CSS methods. The site has really re-invigorated my enthusiasm for CSS. Kudos to Stephanie Eckles for creating the site.

Right, that’s it for this post …..

See you next time.


# Shared by Paul Downey on Tuesday, March 10th, 2020 at 2:27pm

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# Shared by Nina Gerling on Tuesday, March 10th, 2020 at 8:46pm

# Shared by Martin Schierle on Friday, March 13th, 2020 at 11:27pm


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Time to Interactive (TTI) is the most impactful metric to your performance score.

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  • The amount of JavaScript delivered to the page
  • The run time of JavaScript tasks on the main thread

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as days pass by — Programmatic Progressiveness

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Previously on this day

10 years ago I wrote Inlining critical CSS for first-time visits

Using Grunt, Apache, and PHP with Twig templates.

12 years ago I wrote Slow glass

Other days, other eyes.

15 years ago I wrote South by Twenty Ten

It’s that time of year again.

23 years ago I wrote Fame at last

Welcome visitors from - have a look ‘round, make yourselves at home.

23 years ago I wrote Creationists in Gateshead

It looks the Bible Belt now extends to England.