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Paulo Pereira's profile image

Paulo Pereira on 2020-12-09 13:52:26

Real-Time Intelligence

Alerts in reports

Add the ability to set 'alerts' in reports.



Hi all. Thanks for your feedback and comments! We've recently released Data Activator which lets you set up alerts across a variety of data sources, including Power BI reports. You can find out more at It's currently in Public Preview, available to anyone with access to Fabric (details on how to get started are in the blog). We are actively monitoring the Ideas forum for feedback, so please submit Ideas tagged with Data Activator. You can also find out more on our Community forum at

I'm leaving this idea as Planned while we work to get Data Activator to a 'General Availability' stage, at which point I'll close it.

Vote 84
PBI's profile image

PBI on 2017-03-02 02:22:10

Real-Time Intelligence

Alert whenever data changes

The current when data value is above or below a threshold. I would like 'alerts' to provide option to send 'alerts' when the data change. The goal is to anchor the 'alerts' to a reporting date and send notification when reporting date changes. The current 'alerts' does not allow for a custom mess...



Hi all. Thanks for your feedback and comments! We've recently released Data Activator which lets you set up alerts across a variety of data sources, including Power BI reports, and includes the ability to alert whenever data changes to/from a value, or just whenever it changes at all. 

You can find out more at It's currently in Public Preview, available to anyone with access to Fabric (details on how to get started are in the blog). We are actively monitoring the Ideas forum for feedback, so please submit Ideas tagged with Data Activator. We're particularly interested in what alert conditions you need, like changes in value up/down or by a percentage.

You can also find out more on our Community forum at

I'm leaving this idea as Planned while we work to get Data Activator to a 'General Availability' stage, at which point I'll close it.

Thank you!

Vote 16
Gopi Chandar Viswanathan's profile image

Gopi Chandar Viswanathan on 2023-09-10 22:55:11

Real-Time Intelligence

Alert Feature - Option to trigger Alert irrespective of data changes or not

Alert is not triggering when the current value is same as prior value. We need an option under notification frequency settings like “Every Dataset refresh”. This option wi...



Hi all. Thanks for your feedback and comments! We've recently released Data Activator which lets you set up alerts across a variety of data sources, including Power BI reports, and includes the ability to alert every time a value is detected above/below a threshold, not just when the data changes.

You can find out more at It's currently in Public Preview, available to anyone with access to Fabric (details on how to get started are in the blog). We are actively monitoring the Ideas forum for feedback, so please submit Ideas tagged with Data Activator. We're particularly interested in your requirements around the business conditions and logic that you want to detect, like this idea!

You can also find out more on our Community forum at

I'm leaving this idea as Planned while we work to get Data Activator to a 'General Availability' stage, at which point I'll close it. Thank you!

Vote 16
Tessa Kloster (PALMER)'s profile image

Tessa Kloster (PALMER) on 2024-06-12 20:24:53

Real-Time Intelligence

Support Fabric Workspace Events in West Europe

Fabric workspace item events are currently limited by region, would like to use them in West Europe capacity. From : Consuming Fabric events via eventstream isn't supported if the ca...

Vote 15
John White's profile image

John White on 2024-03-19 19:30:24

Real-Time Intelligence

Use the M365 Audit Log as a source for EventStreams

Currently there is a tremendous amount of value in the M365 Audit log, but it is extremely difficult to access. Retention is low for API access and other methods are batch oriented at best. Apart from some work in Sentinel, there are no ways to react to events in near real time. This seems lik...

Under Review
Vote 7
Eileen Allan's profile image

Eileen Allan on 2023-05-26 20:18:50

Real-Time Intelligence

Provide continuous ingestion from OneLake

Provide continuous ingestion from OneLake.



Continous ingestion from OneLake is planned and in execution. It has quite a few aspects, including picking up files landing in OneLake files foder, accelerating Delta table caching, and more. 

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Sander van de Velde's profile image

Sander van de Velde on 2024-06-10 09:31:46

Real-Time Intelligence

Integrate Kusto Trender as TSI UI equivalent in Real-Time Hub

Azure TimeSeries Insights offers a unique UI experience for self-service no-code 'slicing-and-dicing' time series data via sliders and swimming lanes. It even offers advanced options like time-traveling through old and recent data to compare it via the swimming lanes.Unfortun...

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Kathrin Barlage's profile image

Kathrin Barlage on 2023-10-10 06:27:04

Real-Time Intelligence

Dynamic thresholds for data activator

Create the possibility to trigger alerts when dynamic values are met, i.e. a certain date value is older than a day (as of current date).


James Hutton (administrator)

This is on our backlog and we intend to implement it.

Vote 6
Thomas Pagel's profile image

Thomas Pagel on 2023-10-07 19:12:33

Real-Time Intelligence

Event Processing: Allow CUD actions

It would be great if you can define Create/Update/Delete actions from Event Processing. So depending of a field you can say i.e. "if this is field contains "delete" it's a delete operation, use the ID stored in field ID to identify the record to be deleted in your lakehouse". Same with Updates...

Needs Votes

Uri Barash (administrator)

This is already feasible with a combination of materialized views and arg_max on the relevant columns. Please see how it is done for Cosmos DB change feeds here: Get the latest versions of Azure Cosmos DB documents. We will consider adding UX support or wizard, based on popuarity of the idea.

Vote 5
Madhanan's profile image

Madhanan on 2018-11-05 21:33:17

Real-Time Intelligence

Customize alert email content/message/header

Custom 'alerts's Message Please include custom message for e-Mail, like having a separate Body, Message



Hi and thanks for your feedback and comments! We've recently released Data Activator which lets you set up alerts across a variety of data sources, including Power BI reports, and includes customization of the content included in the email/Teams message alert. If you want complete control over the message content, you can use Data Activator to call a Power Automate flow that can construct the email freely.  

You can find out more at It's currently in Public Preview, available to anyone with access to Fabric (details on how to get started are in the blog). We are actively monitoring the Ideas forum for feedback, so please submit Ideas tagged with Data Activator. 

You can also find out more on our Community forum at

I'm leaving this idea as Planned while we work to get Data Activator to a 'General Availability' stage, at which point I'll close it. Thank you!