date updated title summary
9 Oct 2024 Website version 6 redesign the incomplete blog post about when I redesigned my website last year
3 Oct 2024 Keyboard Shortcuts mac
22 Sep 2024 A.I. art cringe
13 Sep 2024 Banner blindness, and other equivalents a consequence of spam, junk, slop, and so on
23 Jul 2024 Things to Watch eventually i will get to these
12 Jul 2024 Destiny 2 Resources links, cheatsheets, etc. optimized for brevity
18 Jun 2024 Tools small personal web tools / references
19 May 2024 Typography useless facts about typography
7 May 2024 Website Tasks things to do on this website
7 May 2024 inspirations, etc. creative inspirations, influences, and so on.
16 Apr 2024 Webcomics comics × the web medium
25 Jan 2024 meaning, failure, and other dramatics words on art, creating
12 Jan 2024 Things to Listen to podcasts
9 Jan 2024 Vietnamese language learning for babies
9 Jan 2024 Style Guide how to write good, stop writing bad
15 Jul 2023 Personal Lexicon a personal vocabulary
12 May 2023 Web Resources resources and references about Websites™
14 Dec 2022 Art journaling how to share and talk about art
25 Nov 2022 Implementing Sidenotes different methods
19 Nov 2022 Privacy Violations By Default apps asking for too much from you
19 Nov 2022 Digital Gardening a WIP repository of info