Personal Blog of Ruth John
I laser cut some jigsaws... because, well, lockdown
I haven't ever done a year in review before, but it feels like a good time.
I've been considering a c-19 follow up post for a while. Around the end of May I felt my consciousness start to kick in again...
I want to talk about how I just spent the best part of this week in bed feeling very very poorly.
So the new series of Shera is out on Netflix. Yes I know. Yes I have watched it. Yes people have asked me what I think.
The move from a mac to a chromebook, and how that all went
I got a laser cutter, and I have to say it's really awesome!
Happy International Womens Day: This is a post thanking some people for making me feel welcome as a woman
I made an LED snowboard jacket, using a strip of neopixels and an Espruino controller board. Here's how I did it.