#indieweb 2024-10-05

2024-10-05 UTC
jacky, ren, rockorager, aldur0, onla_, mdemo2, troojg, GuestZero, athan, laker, Dryusdan, bterry1, [KevinMarks], xgpt, Menchers, [tw2113], [qubyte], [aciccarello], angelo and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
Afternoon all.
troojg, rrix, onla_, Menchers and phryk joined the channel
I'm still unclear about what indieweb actually is… a movement? a community? an organization? a set of specs? like, i have been running my own site for over 15 years now and i still can't really tell if it would be accurate to call my site part of the "indieweb"… can someone help me clear some of the confusion?
also, the entire thing feels a bit pointless without having a register of indieweb sites, is there any reason such a thing doesn't exist?
athan joined the channel
and thought on the side: if such a register existed at indieweb.org writing a simpleish search engine that indexes only the indieweb would likely be very manageable and would likely be a vast improvement in result quality over commercial search engines.
If you have a personal website, you are part of the indie web!
okay, that's good to know – so i at least wasn't completely off the mark.^^
There have been several efforts to create search engines for the indie web.
What is discovery?
Discovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods; there are also discovery-algorithms for developers https://indieweb.org/discovery
https://indieweb.org/directory might also interest you.
mhh, that's almost giving my analysis paralysis.^^ going to read up on that after work – but i really think it should be trivially easy to get from indieweb.org's home page to indieweb sites people might enjoy…
https://ooh.directory will hit the spot for you.
also, please feel free to share your own site! And check out https://indiewebify.me
that does indeed go into the direction i'd like, tho some of the requirements i'm not entirely on board with. my current site wouldn't qualify because it's been some time since i posted and i have no rss/atom feed…
feel free to join one of our Zoom calls - there are a few next week. good environment to ask questions and sort out the kinds of things that are indieweb. 🙂
sure, my site is https://phryk.net, but it's currently a tad broken (commenting won't work, who knows what else). been completely remaking it the last couple months and am almost finished, but it'll be some time before the new version goes online, so take it with a grain ov salt. :P
zoom? :/
i'm on bsd and zoom just never works for me.
While not explicitly about indie web sites, https://personalsit.es/ is a cool directory of personal websites.
[edit] While not explicitly about indie web sites, https://personalsit.es/ is a cool directory of personal websites.
re: indiewebify.me "sign in using your domain name" okay that's completely out of the blue for me, what does that have to do with anything?
If Zoom is not your bag, that's fine too. I'll point out that Zoom clients exist for iOS and Android, too.
most of the answers to your questions (and the ones that come next!) are in the Wiki in some form. https://indieweb.org/How_to_set_up_web_sign-in_on_your_own_domain
"sign in using your domain" instead of "sign in with twitter" 👍👍👍
also, cool site phryk! and again welcome. I am heading out for a bit. But there's usually someone in the chat. (I read via Slack, some via Discord, some IRC, some web).
thanks, it's gonna get better soon, should be much more usable on mobile then. :P
does indieweb have a governance concept? i really think there should be an official, human-verified, directory of indieweb sites. and communication could be greatly improved. i'm not sure how much time and even moreso energy i have, so i'm not sure what would be needed to get something like that going. i might be willing (maybe even able, but depression and shit) to write a flask web service with
management tools for the directory.
spew, gvg and troojg joined the channel
Am I the only one who's really thinking after reading Matthew Graybosch's rail against the In dieWeb; how it's somewhat irrelevant? It was hard to read...and even harder because I had to concede some of his points.
I don't agree the entire thing is irrelevant...or else I'd not be here. But he seemed to be mistaken in several of his points...you don't need to speak Unix to create a web site, but where I do agree with him...is that the majority of the world isn't going to run their own site; my mother, for instance, is in her 60's, and though she's got a very good talent for sweing, cooking, and lots of other things, she's not g
jut not her style.I think there might need to be some changing of data on the wiki at some point to better define who we are; I've been seeing lots and lots of folks accusing us of being "a club for technical elites" and sorts of not-so-nice names like that.